2-4 Other Settings with V.Networks Setup Tool [5. FTP Client Setting] (continued)
To use the FTP function, select [Available].
2 User Name
Enter the user name to use for verification with
the FTP server. It can be “anonymous.”
3 Password
Enter the password to use for verification with
the FTP server. The password is displayed
as asterisks (*).
4 FTP Server IP Address
Enter the IP address of the upload destination
FTP server.
5 FTP Port
Enter the FTP port number of the upload
destination. This is normally set to “21.”
6 FTP Folder
Enter the folder name on the upload
destination FTP server. If this box is left blank,
images are uploaded to the default folder.
7 Upload Interval
Specify the upload interval at which images
are uploaded to the FTP server (0 to 84600
If [Disconnect every time] is selected,
connection with the FTP server is cut after an
image was uploaded.
8 Error Recovery
(Connection error)
Specify a recovery action when an error
occurred for TCP connection or FTP
verification of VN-C10.
Retry forever : Recovery attempt is
repeated until the
power for VN-C10 is
turned off.
❈min. Retry : Recovery attempt is
repeated for a
specified period
(❈)1 to 600 minutes.
(Transfer error)
Select a recovery action when a transfer error
occurred in uploading an image.
FTP Disabled: The FTP function is automati-
cally disabled.
To enable the function again, select [Avail-
able] for [FTP].
9 Filename
*.jpg : If this file type is selected,
uploading is performed with
the entered file name.
Only one image file is stored in the FTP
server as files are overwritten with the lat-
est one.
Time stamp : Files are uploaded with the
time of the built-in clock as their
file names.
● Set the correct time in the [Time Set-
ting] screen.
● All uploaded image files are stored in
the FTP server.
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