You can perform operations such as copying or protecting videos.
Setting Details
COPY Copies files to another media.
"Copying All Files" (A P.65)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.66)
MOVE Moves files to another media.
"Moving All Files" (A P.67)
"Moving Selected Files" (A P.68)
PROTECT/CANCEL Protects files from being deleted accidently.
"Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)
DIVIDE Divides a selected video into two.
"Dividing Files" (A P.52)
TRIMMING Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.
"Capturing a Required Part in the Video" (A P.54)
CHANGE EVENT REG. Changes the event that is registered.
"Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File" (A P.50)
"Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A P.51)
Copies files to another media.
Operating Details
"Copying All Files" (A P.65)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.66)
Moves files to another media.
Operating Details
"Moving All Files" (A P.67)
"Moving Selected Files" (A P.68)
Protects files from being deleted accidently.
Operating Details
"Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)
Divides a selected video into two.
Operating Details
"Dividing Files" (A P.52)
Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.
Operating Details
"Capturing a Required Part in the Video" (A P.54)
Changes the event that is registered.
Operating Details
"Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File" (A P.50)
"Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A P.51)
Videos that are recorded on two separate media and with “SEAMLESS
RECORDING” in the video recording menu enabled can be combined in-
to a single video.
Operating Details
"Combining Videos Recorded by Seamless Recording" (A P.64)
Adds effects at the beginning and end of recorded videos.
Operating Details
"Playback with Special Effects" (A P.38)
Menu Settings