Menu Display and Detailed Settings
* Default values are indicated in bold characters.
Camera Process Menu
Item Setting Values Function
Max, 9 to 1,
-1 to -9, Min, Off
For adjusting the contour (detail) enhancement level.
Increase the number : Sharpens the contour.
Decrease the number : Softens the contour.
Off : Disables this function.
For specifying the detailed settings of the contour (detail). (A Page 84)
Memo :
● This item cannot be selected when [Detail] is set to AOffB.
Master Black
Max, 9 to 1,
-1 to -9, Min
For adjusting the pedestal level (master black) that serves as the reference black.
Increase the number : Raises the pedestal level.
Decrease the number : Lowers the pedestal level.
Black Toe
For altering the gain of dark areas. Adjust this item according to the condition of the captured
video signals.
Compress : Compresses the gain of dark areas to increase the contrast when the entire image
appears bright and contrast is weak. Specify the compression amount with
[Compress Level].
Stretch : Increases the gain of dark areas in an image to stretch the signals of these areas
only, thereby showing the contrast between bright and dark areas more clearly.
Specify the stretch amount with Stretch Level.
Normal : Normal condition.
Stretch Level
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Stretch amount increases when a larger value is specified.
Memo :
● This item is displayed only when [Black Toe] is set to AStretchB. Otherwise, this item appears
as A---B and cannot be selected.
Compression amount increases when a larger value is specified.
Memo :
● This item is displayed only when [Black Toe] is set to ACompressB. Otherwise, this item
appears as A---B and cannot be selected.
Point Level
15% to 11%
9% to 5%
For specifying the luminance point at which the dark area is to be stretched or compressed.
Memo :
● When [Black Toe] is set to ANormalB, this item appears as A---B and cannot be selected.
For specifying the AKneeB operation, which compresses video signals beyond a certain level to
show the gradation of the highlighted portion. To check the gradation of a bright area, set to
AManualB and adjust the knee point manually.
Manual : Enables manual adjustment of the knee point (starting point of knee operation) using
Auto : Adjusts the knee point (starting point of knee operation) automatically according to the
luminance level.
95%, 90%, 85%,
80%, 75%, 70%
For setting the starting point of knee compression (knee point).
Increase the number : Increases the knee point level.
Decrease the number : Decreases the knee point level.
Memo :
● When [Knee] is set to AAutoB, this item appears as A---B and cannot be selected.
For setting the response speed of the AKneeB operation when [Knee] is set to AAutoB.
Set to ASlowB when shooting an object under a condition where there is drastic change in the
light intensity.
Memo :
● When [Knee] is set to AManualB, this item appears as A---B and cannot be selected.