K3 1RU AB Switch Page 10
Com Port: Set the Baud Rate and Character Format for the serial port. Baud rate choices are 9600,
19200, and 38400. Character format choices are 8N1, 7E1 and 7O1 (databits, parity, stop bit).
The Default Serial Port Parameters are 9600, 8 Data Bits, No Parity, One Stop Bit (9600,8,N,1)
Escape Response: This selects Yes or No for escape code responses. See section 3.4.3 on escape
code control
IP Settings
IP Settings
1. IP Address
2. Subnet
3. Gateway
4. Web Port 80
5. Telnet Port 23
6. Message Port 9100
7. MTU 1024
8. Write Community Name private
9. Read Community Name public
A. SNMP Manager 1
B. SNMP Manager 2
C. SNMP Manager 3
D. SNMP Manager 4
X. Exit
IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway
: Enter the appropriate information in dotted decimal format
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). If you are unsure of the entries, consult your network administrator.
Web Port, Telnet Port, Message Port
: These three settings determine the port assignment for the
different TCP protocols used to communicate with the control card. Standard port assignments for these
protocols are:
WEB: 80
Telnet: 23
Message: 9100
If you change these assignments, you will need to specify them when you connect to the C-AB-16-R .
For example if the IP address of the C-AB-16-R is and you have changed the web port to
8800, then you would need the following URL to access the C-AB-16-R :