Chapter 7—Glossary
Glossary-4 Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation
Linearity Adjustment Corrects for improper horizontal and vertical grid spacing
on an image. With distorted linearity, lines in the grid are
spaced closer together on one side of the image and
farther apart on the other. The linearity adjustment is
performed on green only and affects RGB.
Luminance Abbreviated as "Y." The portion of the signal that
contains the black and white information, which affects
Monochrome Single color and refers to monitors that display only one
color along with black, such as white on black, black on
white, green on black and amber on black.
Multisync Monitor A display monitor that adjusts automatically to the
synchronization frequency of the video display board
that's sending signals to it. Multisync monitors can
adjust to a range of frequencies, but not all of them.
Noise Undesirable electrical interference of a signal.
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) The NTSC
governs the standard for television and video playback
and recording in the United States. The NTSC standard
is 525 lines of resolution and is transmitted at 60 half
frames (interlaced) per second.
Optics Module Contains the optics used to transmit light from the arc
lamp to the projection channels (blue, green and red).
Orthogonal At right angles.
Overscanning Displaying less than the complete area of an image to a
viewer (i.e., scanning beyond the visible area). All TV
sets are overscanned at least slightly, so that viewers do
not see blanking.
PAL (Phase Alternate Line) The 625-line, 50-field system
used in the UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Australia,
South Africa and other countries.
Phase adjustment Positions the input image (test pattern, video, graphics,
etc.) on the CRT raster. If phase is misadjusted, the
image may "wrap around" the edges or be positioned off
the screen.
djustment Corrects for warped distortion at the sides or top and
bottom of the image. The pincushion adjustment affects