
Amusement Park
Take more shots of the smiling faces of everyone in the family!
Taking Videos or Still Images According to the Attraction
You may choose to take videos all the time. However, you may want to take
some still images too.
following section explains the scenarios suitable for taking videos or still
Scenarios suitable for taking videos
Scenarios with changes in body movement are suitable for taking videos.
includes situations where there are rapid changes in facial expressions
or voices of surprise and delight.
*Some amusement parks do not allow passengers to perform any recording.
Be sure to check beforehand.
Merry-go-round, go kart, coffee cup, etc.
Scenarios suitable for taking still images (photos)
Scenarios with little movement of the subject are suitable for taking still
to take the still images from an angle such that the surroundings can be
seen clearly.
Carousal, ferris wheel, fun bicycle rides, etc.
Inducing Responses by Calling Out
Videos with no waving of hands nor laughter are not only dull when you view
them later, but also put the capability of the audio-recording function of the
camcorder to a waste.
When recording, induce more reactions by enthusiastically waving your
hands or shouting out "Is it fun?" and the like.
Capturing the Best Moment in a Video as a Still Image
Shots with the eyes closed are often taken by accident. To reduce such
mistakes, make use of the function to capture still images from videos.
As videos are actually continuous recording of 60 still images within 1 minute,
using this function allows you to select the best moment and save it as a still
“Capturing a Still Image in the Video During Playback” (A p. 76)
Advanced Operation with Backlight Compensation
When the subject’s face is in backlight or when the expression cannot be
clearly, the Intelligent Auto function of this unit automatically increases
its brightness for recording.
If Intelligent Auto fails to function as expected or if the brightness correction
is insufficient, you can increase the brightness by using backlight
compensation in the Manual mode.
“Setting Details” (A p. 36)
<Without backlight compensation>
<With backlight compensation>
Useful Shooting Techniques