
No. Item Contents
A Shooting mode Indicates whether the shooting mode is AUTO or MANUAL.
indication Å: Displayed when the shooting mode is AUTO (when the MODE item
is set to AUTO on the TOP MENU screen).
˜: Displayed when the shooting mode is MANUAL (when the MODE
item is set to MANUAL on the TOP MENU screen).
B Filter indication ND: Displayed when the ND filter switch is set to ON.
C Iris F-value indication Indicates the F-value of the lens in the manual iris adjustment mode
(when the IRIS item is set to MANUAL on the OPERATION menu
screen). The indications are:
F1.6, F2, F2.8, F4, F5.6, F8, F11, F16. CLOSE
D Iris compensation -3 ~ ±0 ~ +3: Indicates the compensation value set with the iris
value indication adjustment dial in the auto iris mode.
M: Displayed in the manual iris adjustment mode.
E VTR mode indicators STBY: Recording-standby mode
REC: During recording
ED.FWD: During playback in forward direction
ED.REV: During playback in reverse direction
STOP: Tap protect mode
EJECT: During cassette ejection
: Tape is not loaded
F Fade indication Displayed when the fade function is ON (when the FADER item is set to
BLACK on the SYSTEM [2/2] menu screen).
BK : Displayed when the FADER item is set to BLACK. (Fade-in and
fade-out from black screen.)
G Audio sampling 32K: Displayed when the AUDIO MODE item is set to 32K on the
frequency indication SYSTEM [1/2] menu screen. (Audio is recorded with 12-bit, 32
kHz sampling.)
48K: Displayed when the AUDIO MODE item is set to 48K on the
SYSTEM [1/2] menu screen. (Audio is recorded with 16-bit, 48
kHz sampling.)
H Audio level meter Indicates the audio levels of CH-1, CH-2.
display These meters are not shown when the AUDIO LEVEL item is set to
OFF on the DISPLAY [2/2] menu screen.
I Date and time Shows the date and time.
indication The indication is enabled/disabled by selecting the TIME/DATE item on
the DISPLAY [2/2] menu screen. The display style is selected by setting
the DISP STYLE item.
When the date and time are not set, the indication will be as follows.
/ /
: :