Your television can display images in one of four aspect ratios. The aspect ratio is the ratio of
image width to height as displayed on the screen. The AV-56WP30 or AV-48WP30 has a "wide
screen" with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
A traditional television picture has an aspect ratio of 4:3. Since you will likely view programs
from several different ratios, this feature will help you adjust your picture image to match, giving
you the best possible picture quality.
Press the ASPECTbutton on the remote control. The menu shown (left) witt appear. To select
the aspect ratio you wish to view, press the ASPECT button to move down the list. Each press
will move to the next ratio, the onscreen display will change automatically. The aspect ratios
• PANORAMA - With this ratio a normai 4:3 aspect picture is
stretched to fit the dimensions of the 16:9 aspect screen.
• CINEMA - This ratio "zooms in" on the center part of a 4:3
aspect picture, blowing it up to filt the 16:9 screen.
• FULL - This is the ratio to use when watching 16:9
High-Definition broadcasts.
• REGULAR - The Reguiar ratio is used when you want to watch a
4:3 broad cast or recorded program without modifying the originai
picture to fit the dimensions of your !6:9 screen. The 4:3 picture
will fill the AV-56WP30's or AV-48WP30's screen from top to
bottom, while black bars wilt appear to fili up the
remaining space aiong the picture's sides. The 4:3 picture will be
centered within the boundaries of the 16:9 screen.
When you have selected the ASPECT ratio you wish to view, either press ENTER or wait a few
seconds for the ASPECT menu to disappear. You may change the ASPECT at any time.
Aspect Ratios