home position and it is registered with default settings when initilized. Other positions are unregistered by
Allowed users admin, operator
Moving to Preset Position
Format /api/param?camera.position(number).status=goto
Example of Response camera.position(3).status&200 OK
Interpretation Move to specified preset position. Specify from 0 to 19 as position number.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Title of Preset Position
Format /api/param?camera.position(number).comment
Example of response camera.position(3).comment=entrance&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire title of specified preset position. Specify from 0 to 19 as position number.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Title to Preset Position
Format /api/param?camera.position(number).comment=data
Example of Response camera.position(3).status&200 OK
Interpretation Set tilte to specified preset position. Specify from 0 to 19 as position number. Maximum
characters is 32. To erase title, specify %00, i.e. 0x25 0x30 0x30 in binary data. Use %20 to set space.
Allowed users admin, operator
15. JVC API for Auto Patrol
The APIs below are related to Auto Patrol. These are equivalent to the features on the AutoPatrol page of the
WEB setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the AutoPatrol page page.
Start/Stop of Auto Patrol
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_patrol(0).status=data
Example to start auto patrol /api/param?camera.motion.auto_patrol(0).status=start
Example of Response camera.motion.auto_patrol(0).status&200 OK
Interpretation Start/stop a mode of auto patrol. Specify start or stop.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Status of Auto Patrol
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_patrol(0).status