Chapter 9---Parts List
Model 250 Service Manual 9-3
9.2 Spares
It may be advisable to maintain a supply of spares for the projector to minimize
downtime. This is particularly important when projectors are being operated on a
continuous basis or when multiple projectors are needed. Table 9-2, below,
provides a list of the spares that HJT recommends for one to four projectors.
Table 9-2
Recommended minimum spares
Part no. Description Quantity
105236 PCA Horiz/Vert Deflection 1
105210 PCA Conv/Defl 1
105232 PCA Video Amplifier 1
105234 PCA Video Processor 1
104678 PCA System Controller 1
105238 PCA Raster Timing Gen. 1
102585 PCA Scan Reversal 1
102597 PCA Graphics Enhancer Plus
102520 Low Voltage Power Supply 1
105216 Arc Lamp Power Supply 1
102566 High Voltage Power Supply 1
106298 Arc Lamp Module 1-4