Spread adjustment for Models SS1036B, SS2036B, SS1067B & SS2067B:
These fertilizer spreaders have two ways of regulating material distribution:
1. Adjusting the spread position.
2. Adjusting the quantity of material being spread.
Adjusting the spread position: The machine can be adjusted to spread to the center or off to either
of the two sides. This is accomplished by opening the left gate (see #15, fig. 4), right gate (see #5,
fig. 4) or both. When spreading center behind the tractor, both gates should be open. To spread more
towards the right, operate the spreader with the right gate open and the left gate closed. To spread
more to the left, close the right gate and leave the left open. By leaving one of the gates open, the
spread tends to be heavier in that direction. The side that the closed gate is on will have some
material dispersed to it, though not as heavy as the other side.
To open only one gate:
1. Pull down the lever (see #14, fig. 4) thereby closing both gates, or.
2. Completely loosen the knob (see #11, fig. 4) on the gate to be left closed.
When the lever is pulled open, the gate with the loose knob will remain closed.
One further adjustment possible on Models SS1067B & SS2067B is to adjust the wings (see #20, fig.
4) that are bolted to the spinner disc (see #19, fig. 4). Moving the wings counterclockwise makes the
material spread more to the right, whereas moving the wings clockwise will move the spread pattern
more towards the left (see fig. 9).
If, for example, the material being spread tends to be thrown center-right and the desired direction is
more towards the left, simply move the fins counterclockwise and close the right gate.
Adjusting the quantity of material being spread: To adjust the amount of material being spread,
move the lever in and out, thereby closing and opening the gates located in the bottom of the hopper.
Use the scaled rod (see #17, fig. 4) to regulate the amount of opening desired. Completely close the
gates by pushing the lever (see #14, fig. 4) up. Loosen the plastic knob and move it down to the
desired number on the scale. Tighten the knob. When the lever is pulled down, it should go down no
further than the stop plate on the sliding scale.
Fig. 8
Three different ways of