
PROBLEM-- Excessive noise or vibration on
one end of the machine.
Possible Cause
Set screws on bearings are not tight on grinding
PROBLEM--Grinding wheel traverse binding.
Possible Cause
Shafts are dirty.
Grinding shaft is at a severe angle.
PROBLEM-- Handwheel or vertical indicator
gage "walks" during grinding.
Possible Cause
Bracket connecting gage to vertical adjuster is
Plug and set screw loose.
PROBLEM--Reels ground have high/low blades
Possible Cause
Traverse Speed set too fast.
Checkout Procedure
Tighten set screws located on bearings
Checkout Procedure
Clean the shafts as specified in the maintenance
section of this manual.
Raise or lower one end of the shaft until
approximately level. This grinder is not designed
to operate at a severe angle. Adjust reel or setup
until the shaft is approximately level.
Checkout Procedure
Push lightly up and down on the digital gage to
see if it is loose. Tighten the screws on the
bracket to the vertical adjuster or remove the
gage and tighten the screws from the bracket to
the gage.
Tighten the drag on the vertical shafts by
tightening the setscrew located on the back of the
vertical adjuster husing. (See Vertical Infeed
Shaft Drag in the adjustment section.)
Checkout Procedure
Check roundness using the digital gage.
Traverse speed should be set approximately 12 ft/
min. (4 meters/min.) if roundness is varying.