The ovenTempKnobcanbeadjustediftheoventemperatureistoolowortoo highand
the lengthof timetocookALLfoodsistoolongor tooshort. Do NOT adjusttheTemp
Knobif onlyone or twoitemsare notbakingproperly.
To adjust the Temp Knob
Turnthe ovenTemp Knobto Off. Re-
movethe knoband turn it to the under-
neathside. (SeeFig. t.} Loosenthetwo _Screw
move the topscrew by rotating the knob
one notch, as noted by one click, in
directionnecessary. Rotatescrewcoun- oo
temlockwisefor hotterandclockwisefor
coolertemperature. Ifnotchindentation
ingisheard. Therearesevennotchesin FIG.1
eachdirection.Move onlyonenotch ata
Example: Iftheoventemperatureistoo
coolandALLfoodsarerequiringa longer
time periodtocook,the knobshouldbe
rotatedto move the top screwcounter-
clockwisefor a hotteroven, (See Fig2.)
Tightenthe screwswhiletightly holding
knobtoskirt,To replaceknob,matchflat FIG.2
partof knobopeningwithspringon the
shaft, returningto Off position.
Important: The oven Temp Knobshouldbe adjustedone notchand then the oven
shouldbetested. (We recommendbakingtwo9" yellowlayercakesusinga purchased
box mix.) If the oven temperatureis stilltoo low or too high, repeatthe procedure
If the knobis rotatedtoofar or in the wrongdirection,rotatethe knobInthe opposite
directionuntilthecenterofthescrewis directlyunderthetriangle,whichisthe starting
point. Initiatethe procedureagain untilthedesiredtemperatureis reached.