Heating or Reheating Guide
F Power Approximate
ITEM Amount Level Time, Min.
Meats and Main Dishes
Saucy Main Dishes: chop suey, 1to 2 servings HI (10) 3-7
spaghetti, creamed chicken, chili, 3 to 4 servings HI (10) 8-14
stew, macaroni and cheese, etc. 1can (16-oz.) ,HI (10) 5-7
_-1 cup/serving
Hamburgers or meat loaf 1to 2servings HI (10) 2-3
4-oz./serving 3to 4servings HI (10) 4-5
Chicken pieces 1to 2 pieces HI (10) 2-3
3 to 4 pieces HI (10) 3-4
Hot Dogs and sausages 1to 2 HI (10) 1-11/2
3to4 HI (10) 2-3
Rice and pasta 1to 2 servings HI (10) 1-2
2/3-3/4 cup/serving
Small pieces: peas, beans, corn, etc. 1 to 2 servings HI (10) 1-3
1/2cup/serving 3to 4 servings HI (10) 3-4V2
1 can (16-oz.) HI (10) 3V2-41_
Large pieces or whole: asparagus 1to 2 servings HI (10) 3-4
spears, corn on the cob, etc. 3 to 4servings HI (10) 4-5
1 can (16-oz.) HI (10) 5-6
Mashed 1to 2servings HI (10) 1-3
Y2cup/serving 3to 4 servings HI (10) 3-8
Cake, coffee cake, doughnuts, sweet 1 piece Low (3) 1/_-1
rolls, nut or fruit bread 2 pieces Low (3) 1-2
4 pieces Low (3) 11/2-2_,_
9-in, cake or Low (3) I 2-4
12rolls or
Dinner roils, muffins 1 Med (5) _A-I,_
2 Med (5) 1/2-%
4 Med (5) 1-1'/2
6-8 Meal (5) 1-2
Pie: fruit, nut or custard 1 slice HI (10) V_-I
1/8of 9-in. pie = 1 slice 2 slices HI (10) 1-11/2
(use minimum timefor custard) 4 slices Med-HI (7) 2_,_-3
9-in. pie Med-HI (7) 5-7
*Foods reheateed to 160°-165°F will provide safe platable results. Be sure foods
are heated thoroughly before serving.Let standa few minutesbeforeserving.