Testing Procedures
To avoid risk of electrical shock, personal injury or death; disconnect power and gas to oven before servicing,
unless testing requires power and/or gas.
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Component Testing
Illustration Component Test Procedure Results
Oven light socket Remove one wire from receptacle
and test resistance of terminals........
Measure voltage at oven light...........
Indicates continuity with bulb screwed in.
120 VAC, see wiring diagram for terminal
If no voltage is present at oven light, check
wiring or light switches.
Autolatch assembly
with switch
Disconnect wires and test for
continuity per wiring diagram.
Refer to Parts Manual for correct
autolatch switch associated with the
correct manufacturing number.
See wiring diagram for schematic layout.
Access assembly by removing left side
5 K btu
9.2 K btu (2)
16 K btu
12 K btu
270° valve
Verify gas is supplied.
Adjust set screw for simmer control.
Spark 270° switch
Test for voltage at terminals .............
Disconnect wiring and check for
continuity in LITE position.................
120 VAC
Continuity in LITE position.
Spark ignition
Test for resistance of spark lead ......
Test ignitor to chassis.......................
No continuity from ignitor to chassis.
5 K btu
9.2 K btu (2)
16 K btu
12 K btu
Top surface burner
Verify gas is supplied .......................
Verify burner cap is positioned
Check for obstructions in burner ports.
Spark module 4 + 0 Test for voltage at terminals L and N
Check polarity and ground................
120 VAC
See wiring diagram
Temperature sensor Measure resistances ........................
Approximately 1100 Ω at room temperature
Pressure regulator Verify gas pressure (W.C.P.).
If on LP service verify proper gas
supply conversion.
5" Natural
10" LP/propane
Door plunger switch Remove switch from unit and
measure the following points:
C NO.............................................
Plunger in infinite, Plunger out continuity.
Bake element, Upper Disconnect wire leads to element
and measure resistance of terminals
Measure voltage at bake element.....
Approximately 31.0 Ω, if not replace.
240 VAC, see wiring diagram for terminal
identification. If no voltage is present at
bake element check wiring.
Bake element, Lower Disconnect wire leads to element
and measure resistance of terminals
Measure voltage at bake element.....
Approximately 21.3 Ω, if not replace.
240 VAC, see wiring diagram for terminal
identification. If no voltage is present at
bake element check wiring.
Broil element, Upper Disconnect wire leads to element
and measure resistance of terminals
Measure voltage at broil element......
Approximately 25.4 Ω, if not replace.
240 VAC, see wiring diagram for terminal
identification. If no voltage is present at
broil element check wiring.