The four sealed burners are secured to the cooktopand are NOT designed to be
removed,Since the four burnersare sealed into the cooktop, boiloverswon'tseep
underneathto the burnerbox area. Thus, there are no hiddenspillsinthe burnerbox
areato clean.
Forease ofcleaning,removesoilfromthe burneras soonasthe burnerhas cooled, if
food boilsover, remove pan to another burner, Then, cool soi_d burner end clean.
Besureburneriscoolbeforecleaningto preventdamagingtheporcelainsurface. Clean
withwarmsoapywater anda spongeordishcloth.Burnedon greasecanbe removed
with a household cleaner, such as Fantastik or 409, and a sponge. To prevent
scratching,do not use abrasivecleanersor scrubbingpads.
Note: Be carefulnotto get wateror sprayintoburnerports.
When cleaning around the surface burner, use __ _'_ n
careto preventdamageto the sparkigniterwhich
is locatedat the back-sideof each burner. If a Ports
cleaningcloth should catch the igniter,it could
damage or break it. If the igniteris damagedor Iter
broken,the surfaceburnerwillnotlight. Plus,the REARVIEWOFSEALEDBURNER
burnerwill not lightifthe small portbeneath the
The knobson thecontrolpanelcan be removedwiththe controlsinthe OFF position.
Pulleachknobstraightfromtheshaft, Washknobsinwarmsoapywaterordishwasher;
do notuse abrasivecleansersor materials. TOreplaceeach knob, matchfiatpart of
knobopeningwiththe flat onthe shaft, returning in OFF position,
Important: Never usea metalbladetopryknoboff. If knobcannotbeeasily removed,
tuckthe foldsof a clothdishtowelunderthe knobskirt and punthetowel upwardwith
Important: Becarefulto replacethe knobswithgentlepressure. Never hitthe knob
onthe shaftwith yourhandor any otherobject.