To achieveoptimumcookingperformance,use cookpotswith fiat bottoms,tightfitting
covers,and sizedfor the surface burner.
• Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
cookware. Thisinstructionis based on safetyconsiderations.Adjustingthe size
ofthe flame to fit the size of the cookwarealso helpsto savefuel.
• Cookpotswhichextendmorethattwoinchesbeyondthe grateortouchtheeooktop
may cause heat to buildup, resultingin damage to the burner grate, burneror
• Specialityitemssuch as woks with a supportring,which restrictair cimulation
aroundtheburnerwillcauseheattobuildupand mayresultindamagetotheburner
grate,burner or cooktop.Use Jenn-Air fiatbottomwok accessory,ModelAO142.
• Aluminum cookware heatsevenly and quickly. A slightly larger flamesize can be
used.Theflame canbeadjustedsoitcomestotheedgeofthecookware.However,
theflame shouldNEVER be adjustedsothat it extendsbeyondthe bottomofthe
• Stainlesssteel cookwarewithcopper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly
quickly. The flamesizeshouldbe adjustedtoextend onlyhalfwaybetween center
and edge ofthe cookwarabottomfor best results.
• Cast ironcookwareheats slowly.
• Checkmanufacturer'srecommendationsbeforeusingporcelainonsteel,poree[ain
on castiron, glass, glass/ceramic,earthenware,or otherglazed cookpots.
If the cookwareis covered, lessfuel willbe needed;therefore, a lowerflame size can
beused.Note: Foodwillnotceokanyfasterwhenmorethantheamountofheatnaeded
to maintaina gentleboil is used.
• Acceptablewater-bathor pressurecanners shouldnot be oversizedand should
have a flat bottom. The followingare notrecommended:Oversizedcannersor a
very largecannerthat restson two surface burner grates.
• When canning,usethe Hi settingjustuntilthewater comesto a boil orpressure
is reached in the pressurecanner,then reduce to the lowestflame setting that
maintainsthe boilorpressure.
• Prolongeduseofthe Hisettingorthe useofincorrectcanningutensilswillproduce
excessive heat. Excessive heat can cause permanentdamageto the appliance.