_WARNING Products with 8. Use only a detergent 13. Load light plastic items so
a UL label have been listed with designed for an automatic they will not become
the Underwriter's Laboratories. dishwasher. Never use soap, dislodged and drop to the
Inc.--those with a CSA tag laundry detergent, or hand bottom of the
have been listed with Canadian washing detergent in your dishwasher--they may come
Standards Association. dishwasher. Keep these into contact with the heating
Nevertheless, as with anyother products out of the reach of unit and be damaged.
equipment using electricity and children. 14. Do nottamper with controls.
moving parts, there is a
potential hazard. When using 9. Do not sit, stand on or abuse
your dishwasher, follow basic the door ordish rack of the 15. Always remove the door to
precautions, including the dishwasher, the washing compartment
when removing an old
following: 10. To minimize the possibility dishwasher from service or
1. Read all instructions before of electric shock, disconnect discarding it.
using the dishwasher, this appliance from the power
supply before attempting any 16. Instructions for grounding
2. Use the dishwasher only for maintenance. Note: Turning this appliance can be found in
its intended function, the control dial to the OFF the Installation Instructions.
position does not disconnect
3. To avoid electrical shock the appliance from the power
hazard, the sides and back supply. We recommend SAVE THESE
must be enclosed, and the having a qualified technician INSTRUCTIONS
front panels must be attached service your appliance.
before electrical power is
applied to the dishwasher. 11. A WARNING---Under
Refer to the installation certain conditions, hydrogen
instructions for proper gas may be produced in a hot
grounding procedures, water system that has not
been used for two weeks or
4. Children should never be more. Hydrogen gas is
permitted to operate, or play explosive. If the hot water
in, with or around this .... system has not been used for
dishwasher, two weeks or you have
5. To reduce the risk of injury moved into a residence in
when loading items to be which the hot water system
washed, sharp or pointed may not have been used for
items should be located with some time. turn on all hot
the handles up. Also, load water faucets and let the
sharp items so they are not .... water flow from each for
likely to damage the door seal. several minutes. This will
release any accumulated
6. Be careful not to touch the hydrogen gas. As the gas is
heating element on the bottom flammable, do not smoke or
of the tub during or at the
use an open flame during this
completion of a cycle. It may process.
be hot.
12. Do not wash plastic items
7. Do not store or use unless marked "dishwasher
combustible materials, safe" or the equivalent. For
gasoline or other flammable plastic items not so marked,
vapors and liquids in the check the manufacturer's
vicinity of this or any other recommendations.