To achieveoptimumcooking performance,use cookpots with flat bottoms,tight fitting
covers, and sized for the surfaceburner.
• Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
cookware. This instructionis basedon safety considerations. Adjusting the size
ofthe flame to fit the size of the cookwarealso helps to save fuel.
• Cookpotswhichextendmorethantwoinchesbeyondthegrate ortouchthecooktop
may cause heat to build up, resulting in damage to the burner grate, burner or
• Specialityitems such as woks with a support ring, which restrict air circulation
aroundtheburnerwill causeheatto buildupand mayresultindamageto theburner
grate, burner or cooktop.
• Aluminumcookwareheats evenlyand quickly. A slightly larger flame size canbe
used.Theflamecanbeadjustedsoit comesto theedgeof thecookware. However,
the flame shouldNEVER be adjustedso that it extends beyondthe bottomof the
• Stainlesssteel cookwarewith copper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly
quickly. Theflamesize shouldbe adjustedtoextendonly halfwaybetween center
and edge ofthe cookware bottomfor best results.
• Cast iron cookwareheats slowly.
• Checkmanufacturer'srecommendationsbeforeusingporcelainon steel,porcelain
on cast iron, glass,glass/ceramic, earthenware,or other glazed cookpots.
If the cookwareis covered, less fuelwill be needed; therefore,a lower flame size can
beused.Note; Foodwill notcookanyfasterwhenmorethan theamountof heatneeded
to maintaina gentleboil is used.
• Acceptablewater-bathor pressure canners Shouldnot be oversized and should
have a flat bottom. The following are not recommended:oversizedcanners or a
very large canner that restson two surface burner grates.
• Whencanning, usethe Hi setting just until the water comes to a boil or pressure
is reached in the pressure canner, then reduce to the lowestflame setting that
maintainsthe boil or pressure.
• Prolongeduseof theHi settingor the useof incorrectcanning utensilswill produce
excessiveheat. Excessiveheatcan cause permanentdamageto the appliance.