
Hints for Best Performance
Plants such as grass, with shallow
roots, need only two to four inches
tilled soil whereas plants with a deep
root system should have a deeply tilledbed.
Till the soil as soon as it is
workable in the Spring. You can till to a
maximum depth of six to eight inches.
When preparing a yard for a lawn, the
soil should be leveled so it is well
drained and free from high spots. If
you do not level out the irregularities in
the soil first, you will not be able to do
this once the lawn is established.
E~tra care in leveling your yard before
you sow your seed will be well worth it.
Just before planting the seeds the
particles of soil should be no larger
than a quarter inch. Water the soil to
settle the dirt. This will also show you
low spots that should be filled in beforesowing.
Use a fine spray to prevent
disturbing the soil. Frequent watering
is a must.