8.10 Circulation Pump Not Working
The circulation pump should be on for the programmed duration each day and for a heat
call unless “Summer Logic” is activated. Verify the pump should be on before trouble-
shooting. Check the circulation pump start time and duration setting. Refer to section
5.6C (page 23).
Diagnostic Tools: Clamp-on ammeter, voltmeter.
Suggested Spare Parts (Page 59): Circuit board, circulation pump.
Standard Troubleshooting Approach
*Note: If the circulation pump is running, but there is no water ow, check for an air lock, a blockage in
the plumbing, debris in the pump or a broken pump impeller.
Danger: Electrical Shock Hazard Exists!
High Voltage Present On Circuit Board. Use Ex-
treme Caution While Servicing Circuit Board.
Is 240 VAC (120 VAC for
J315, J325 models)
present at pump output?
Circuit board test points
16 and 17
Make sure circulation
pump should be on. If
pump should be on and
there is no voltage at test
points 16 and 17 change
circuit board.
Is there current draw
(0.5 Amp)? Check with
clamp-on ammeter.
Check connection
between circuit board and
circulation pump. If
connection is OK, replace
Current draw is proof that
circulation pump is
working. Read steps
above to make sure
circulation pump should
be on*.
Circuit Board Illustrations
A. 2002+ Protech LED Models (Page 50-51)