A: READ THIS FIRST (THIS CATALOG IS DIFFERENT!) ...................................................... 7
Accessories, Back Cane Push Handle Attachments, (16" Wide) Conventional Back
Non-Manual Tilt - TDX SPREE
Accessories, Headrest Supports, Tarsys, Manual Tilt Only - TDX SPREE .............................. 187
Accessories, Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................... 191
Accessories, Oxygen Holder Assembly Kit - ADJASBA Seats - TDX SC ................................ 183
Accessories, Oxygen Holder Assembly Kit - Van Seat - TDX SC ............................................ 185
Actuator Motor, Elevate and Hardware with TRRO Option ...................................................... 20
Actuator Motor, Elevate and Hardware without TRRO Option ................................................. 18
Arms, "T" and Hardware TDX SPREE ..................................................................................... 107
Arms, Adjustable Height - (12"-16" W x 12"-18" D) Seat Frame TDX SPREE ......................... 109
Arms, Adjustable Height - (16"-20" Wide) x (16"- 20" Deep) Seat Frames TDX SC ................ 113
Arms, Fixed Height - (16"-20" Wide) x (16"-20" Deep) Seat Frames TDX SC ......................... 111
Arms, Mtg. Front/Rear Arm Socket Asbly. & Hdwr. (12"-16" Wide) TDX SPREE .................... 119
Arms, Mtg. Front/Rear Arm Socket Asbly. & Hdwr. For ADJASBA Seats (16"-20" Wide) TRRO
Option TDX SC
Arms, Mtg. Front/Rear Arm Socket Asbly. & Hdwr. For ADJASBA/ADJRECL Seats (16"-20"
Wide) TDX SC
Arms, Mtg. Swingaway Hardware For ADJASBA/ADJRECL Seats ......................................... 117
Arms, Van Seat - TDX SC ........................................................................................................ 115
Back Cane and Spreader Bar For ADJASBA Seats (16"-20" Wide) TDX SC .......................... 101
Back Cane Attaching Hardware For ADJASBA Seats (12"-16" Wide) - TDX SPREE ............. 99
Back Cane Attaching Hardware For ADJASBA Seats (16"-20" Wide) - TDX SC .................... 103
Back Cane Attaching Hardware For ADJASBA Seats (16"-20" Wide) TRRO Option - TDX SC 105
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
Form No.