Electronics - MKIV TRCM 2G, MKIV TAC & 4-Way Switch ..................................................... 127
Electronics - MKIV TRCM 2G, MKIV TAC & 4-Way Switch For TRBKTS Option .................... 130
Electronics - Quad Link (QLA) After 10/30/05 .......................................................................... 139
Electronics - Quad Link Before 10/31/05 .................................................................................. 136
Electronics - Tilt Recline Single Switch (TRSS) ....................................................................... 125
Electronics - Tilt/ Recline Potentiometers and Hardware ......................................................... 132
Frame, Base Interface Hardware - 2GR (FWD) ....................................................................... 20
Frame, Base Interface Hardware - 2GR (RWD) ....................................................................... 9
Frame, Base Interface Hardware (Includes Tilt Actuator) - 2GT/2GTR (FWD) ........................ 18
Frame, Base Interface Hardware (Includes Tilt Actuator) - 2GT/2GTR (RWD) ....................... 13
Frame, Base Interface Hardware w/ TRBKTS Option - 2GR (RWD) ....................................... 11
Frame, Base Interface w/ TRBKTS Option (Includes Tilt Actuator) - 2GT/2GTR (RWD) ......... 15
Frame, Center Seat Assembly - 2GT ...................................................................................... 26
Frame, Center Seat Assembly (Includes Recline Actuator) - 2GR ......................................... 28
Frame, Center Seat Assembly (Includes Recline Actuator) - 2GTR ....................................... 30
Frame, Center Seat Attaching Hardware - (RWD and FWD) ................................................... 24
Frames, Side ............................................................................................................................ 22
Front Pivot Bracket and Links Kit ............................................................................................. 32
Front Rigging - Front Rigging Hanger Assembly - Sector, Pin and Genius Style .................... 93
Front Rigging - Legrest Support Push Rod Assembly .............................................................. 123
Front Rigging - Legrest Supports (Mechanical) - AT5544P ..................................................... 95
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
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