Model 8690 User Guide (ITP Mode)
The Call List view displays a list of your current calls. These include calls that are
ringing, connected, or holding. The Call List view automatically appears any time you
place or receive a call and remain active until you navigate to a different view. When
the last call in the list ends, the previous view is displayed. You cannot sort the call
list. The call list shows all call activity for every device you own (in addition to the
Model 8690).
If an incoming caller is positively identified, a Caller ID icon ( )appears next to the
caller’s name. This indicates the caller was positively identified and the call followed
any routing rules you may have set up for the caller. Calls are displayed under three
• State: Indicates the current call state. Call states include the following:
Indicates a call that is currently in the dialing stage.
Indicates an incoming ringing call. Double-press to answer.
Indicates an outgoing ringing call.
Indicates a connected call.
Indicates a muted, connected call.
Indicates a connected conference call.
A combination of these two icons indicates a muted, connected
conference call.
Indicates a call you placed on hold. Double-press to answer.
Indicates you are currently holding for a connected call.
Indicates a call in an error state. The most common example is a call
you place to an endpoint that is in DND. When this occurs, you hear a fast
busy tone for approximately one minute before the call terminates. During
this time, the call is displayed in the call list where you can terminate the call
earlier if desired.
Indicates that group listen is currently enabled on the call.
Indicates that the given call is currently being recorded.
• Name: Indicates the name of the party on the other end of the call. A name is
only displayed if it is known. Next to the name, the icon indicates positive
Caller ID.
• Number: Indicates the number (if known) of the party on the other end of the