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Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS): When a
site uses several Primary Rate Interface circuits, the D-
channel on one circuit can support the B-channels on
other circuits, providing one additional B-channel per
circuit (that is, 24 B-channels instead of 23B+D). This
is called Non-Facility Associated Signaling or NFAS.
This arrangement also requires D-channel backup. This
is not supported in AXXESS version 4.X software.
On-Demand B-Channel Selection: This feature al-
lows on-demand allocation of B-channels. With on-de-
mand B-channel selection, all B-channel trunks can be
assigned to one trunk group and then programmed to be
used as needed (ARS, outgoing access, etc.). This fea-
ture takes full advantage of the AXXESS System fea-
tures (trunk groups, ARS, and call routing) and allows
maximum on-demand use of the bandwidth. This can
be combined with Dedicated Service.
Primary Rate Interface (PRI): This is the ISDN cir-
cuit that provides B-channels that can carry voice, data,
and video simultaneously. It also has one D-channel for
out-of-band signaling and packet data. (NOTE: The
AXXESS System does not support the use of the D-
channel for packet data.) See also 23B+D and 30B+D.
Primary Rate Interface Nodal/Centrex Express:
This service type allows communication between a
PBX system and a Centrex system. This is not sup-
ported in AXXESS version 4.X software.
Private Line Integration: This allows the system to
have private lines using individual channels. The D-
channel is not used on the private lines. This is not sup-
ported in AXXESS version 4.X software.
Switched Digital Services: Switched digital services
provide ISDN over a single telephone line by combin-
ing several B-channels into a single bit stream.
Switched digital service types include H0, H11, Multi-
rate, and N X 64 kbps. This is not supported in AXXESS
version 4.X software.
Two-Stage Caller Identification (*ANI*DNIS*):
This is a two-stage address service that provides both
the caller’s telephone number and the dialed number. It
combines the *ANI* and the *DNIS* features de-
scribed above.
User-To-User Information (UUI): This type of ISDN
service allows two users to share and manipulate data
over the D-channel while maintaining a voice connec-
tion on a B-channel. For example, both parties can view
the same document, discuss it, edit it and see the
changes as they are made. This is not supported in AX-
XESS version 4.X software.
Wide Area Automatic Call Distribution (ACD):
Like the AXXESS ACD feature, this service can dis-
tribute calls to provide faster service. However, Wide
Area ACD allows the calls to be sent to other PBXs in
the network. This is not supported in AXXESS version
4.X software.