
Importing Certicates to a Viewer on a Client Computer
NOTE: If you will be using only the non-PKI-authenticated viewer connections to the switch
(such as Level 1 – no encryption/authentication or Level 2 – 256-bit SSL encryption and only
server authentication by client), you are not obliged to use or import any certicates and you
can skip this section.
To make a fully PKI-authenticated viewer connection with the Digital KVM over IP Switch, you
need to import client certicates to the Win32 viewer and Java viewer on the client computer.
A default set of certicates is provided on the enclosed CD, or you can use your own set of
certicates. If using your own, in addition to importing the client certicates to the Win32/Java
viewer on the remote client computer(s), you should import the root certicate, the server
certicate and the server private key to the switch on the Web Management interface Security
Settings screen. (Refer to Main/Security – Certicate Installation, Viewer Encryption and
Password Policies in the next section.)
The le names of the client certicates can vary (client_name1.p12, client_name2.p12, etc.),
but the certicates and private key for the switch remain as they are (root.crt, server.crt,
serverkey.pem). The client certicates should be imported in the .p12 format, using the import
utility of whichever viewer (Win32 or Java) is on the client computer. NOTE: Make sure you have
the certicates ready for import, either on a transfer device or the local computer hard drive.
If you copy certicates to the local hard drive, you may need to delete them after nishing
the import so others won’t have access to the certicate les. Even though they’re password-
protected, one can never be too careful. Remember, too, that the Win32 and Java viewers
require separate certicate import utilities.
Import a Client Certicate to a Win32 Viewer
Go to Start Programs PROSUM
KLE Viewer Import Certicates.
Click “Root Certicate” to import the
root certicate; click “Client Certicate”
to import the client certicate. When the
“successfully imported” message
appears in the text eld, click “Exit” to
Import a Client Certicate to a Java Viewer
Go to Start Programs PROSUM
KLE Viewer Import Certicates.
Click “Root Certicate” to import the
root certicate; click “Client Certicate”
to import the client certicate. When the
“successfully imported” message
appears in the text eld, close the
window to proceed.
Once you’ve imported certicates to the viewers on the client computer(s), you can make your
viewer connection(s).