Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 347
record voice data to multiple destinations — dx_reciottdata( )
dx_reciottdata( )
record voice data to multiple destinations
! Description
The dx_reciottdata( ) function records voice data to multiple destinations, a combination of data
files, memory, or custom devices.
dx_reciottdata( ) is similar to dx_rec( ), but takes an extra parameter, xpbp, which allows the user
to specify format information about the data to be recorded. This includes file format, data
encoding, sampling rate, and bits per sample.
Name: short dx_reciottdata(chdev, iottp, tptp, xpbp, mode)
Inputs: int chdev
• valid channel device handle
DX_IOTT *iottp
• pointer to I/O Transfer Table structure
DV_TPT *tptp
• pointer to Termination Parameter Table structure
DX_XPB *xpbp
• pointer to I/O Transfer Parameter block
unsigned short mode
• play mode
Returns: 0 if success
-1 if failure
Includes: srllib.h
Category: I/O
Mode: asynchronous or synchronous
Platform: DM3, Springware
Parameter Description
chdev specifies the valid channel device handle obtained when the channel was
opened using dx_open( )
iottp points to the I/O Transfer Table Structure, DX_IOTT, which specifies the order
of recording and the location of voice data. This structure must remain in
scope for the duration of the function if using asynchronously. See DX_IOTT,
on page 509, for more information on this data structure.
tptp points to the Termination Parameter Table Structure, DV_TPT, which specifies
termination conditions for recording. For more information on this structure,
see DV_TPT, on page 485.