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Installation – Circuit with 2 Switches
Circuits with 2 switches are called 3-way circuits. Both switches in a 3-way circuit need to be replaced by
KeypadLincs (and/or SwitchLincs).
Note: 3-way circuits require a pair of wires called Travelers between joining wall boxes to operate.
INSTEON switches, dimmers and keypads do not require both Traveler wires for 3-way circuits to
function. Simply wire one to Line, Neutral and Load; the other(s) to Line and Neutral. Use one Traveler to
share Line between boxes. Adding to a Scene creates a virtual 3-way circuit.
1) Turn off circuit breaker(s) and/or remove fuse(s) feeding wall boxes (verify that power is off)
2) Pull both switches from their wall boxes, each existing 3-way switch will have no less than 3 wires
3) Remove wires from existing switches
4) Make sure wires are safely separated from each other and turn power back on
5) Using a voltage meter measure each wire to Ground in both boxes until you find the single wire
supplying 120V (Line)
a. We will now refer to that location as box 1
b. The other box will have the Load wire. That will be box 2
6) Turn power back off
In Box 1 (Line box)
7) Connect bare Ground wire from
the KeypadLinc to bare Ground
wire or Ground screw in wall box
8) Connect White Neutral wire from
KeypadLinc to Neutral wire(s) in
wall box (usually White)
9) Using a wire nut, cap Red wire
from KeypadLinc
10) Connect Black wire from
KeypadLinc to 120V Line wire in
wall box (usually Black) along with
one Traveler wire running between
boxes (preferably Black). Note
color of Traveler you are using as
this will carry Line voltage to box 2
11) Cap unused Traveler
In Box 2 (Load box)
12) Connect bare Ground wire from
KeypadLinc to bare Ground
wire or Ground screw in wall
13) Connect White Neutral wire
from KeypadLinc to Neutral
wire(s) in wall box (usually
14) Connect Red wire from
KeypadLinc to Load wire
15) Connect Black wire from
KeypadLinc to same color
Traveler from box 1 carrying
Line (usually Black)