NovaJet PRO 600e User's Guide
I-10 Troubleshooting
Image is the wrong size
Be sure the dpi setting (300 or 600) matches the resolution of your image file. See Chapter 3 for
Print contains only partial image
Check the settings of the Margins option. When Margins are set to Normal (the default), the print
area is smaller than when Margins are set to Expanded. Try setting the Margins option to Ex-
panded to make the print area larger.
The printer may not have correctly sized your media. Use the Manual Load option to load your
media. (See "Manual Media Loading" in Chapter 2 in the User Guide.)
The printer automatically prints in portrait orientation (X axis = paper axis). If you rotated the
image in your application to save paper, set the paper size to the next larger size (for example, if
you are printing a C size image, choose D size paper). Be sure to set Save Media to ON. This
stops the printer from scrolling the full paper height.
Jagged vertical lines
Prime, clean, calibrate, or replace cartridges.
If these suggestions fail, call ENCAD Technical Support for instructions on cleaning the encoder
strip and performing deadband calibration.
Splotchy area fill
Try using photo mode. If the problem persists, prime, clean, calibrate, or replace cartridges. Adjust
cartridge preheat as described in Chapter 3.
Excessive banding in area fills
Consistent banding is generally a hardware problem; inconsistent banding is generally a software
Use specially coated inkjet media. ENCAD provides a full line of high quality inkjet media. (See
Change the Print Mode option to photo . (See "Print Modes" in Chapter 3.)
Prime, clean, calibrate, or replace cartridges.
Set wiper function to off. Adjust cartridge preheat as described in Chapter 3.
Portions of lines are missing
Prime, clean, calibrate, or replace cartridges.
Clean service station; clean cartridge again; repeat prime.
Clean carriage flex cable and cartridge electrical contacts; repeat prime. Do not use alcohol,
acetone, or other cleansers. Use a cotton swab moistened in distilled water. Use tap water if
distilled water is not available.