by using the horizontal or vertical motion unit.
Sets the distance from the current position to [(nL+ nH × 256)
× (horizontal or vertical motion unit)].
[Notes] • Any setting that exceeds the printable area is ignored.
• When the starting position is specified by n motion units to
the right:
nL + nH × 256 = n
When the starting position is specified by n motion units to
the left (negative direction), use the complement of 65536:
nL + nH × 256 = 65536 – n
• If setting exceeds the printing area width, the left or right
margin is set to the default value.
• The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by
GS P or GS $D0.
• GS P or GS $D0 can change the horizontal (and vertical)
motion units. However, the value cannot be less than the mini-
mum horizontal movement amount.
• In standard mode, the horizontal motion unit is used.
[Reference] ESC $, GS P or GS $D0
[Name] Select justification
[Format] ASCII ESCa n
Hex 1B 61 n
Decimal 27 97 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, 48 ≤ n ≤ 50
[Description] Aligns all data in one line to the specified position.
n selects the type of justification as follows:
n Justification
0, 48 Flush left
1, 49 Centered
2, 50 Flush right
[Notes] • This command is only enabled when inserted at the begin-
ning of a line.
• Lines are justified within the specified printing area.
• Spaces set by HT, ESC $ and ESC \ will be justified ac-