
1 - 6 Modular LYNX System 12.05.2003
User Provided Tools and Equipment Needed
! Serial Cable
! IM483 or equivalent step motor driver
! ISP200-4 or equivalent power supply
! M-22XX or equivalent stepping motor
! Wire Cutters/Strippers
! 22 gauge wire for logic level signals
! 18 gauge wire for power supply and motor wiring
! PC with a free serial port (COM 1 or 2)
Connecting the Power Supply
1. Using the 18 gauge wire, connect the DC output of your power supply to V+ on your LYNX
Control Module, and to P2, pin 4 on the IM483 Step Motor Driver. (Or V+ pin on equivalent
driver.) Figure 1.1.
2. Connect the Power Supply Return (GND) to PGND on the LYNX Control Module, and to
P2, pin 3 on the IM483 Step Motor Driver. (Or GND on equivalent driver.) Figure 1.1.
3. Connect the AC Line cord to your power supply in accordance with any user documentation
accompanying the supply. DO NOT PLUG IN AT THIS TIME!
Connecting the Step Motor Driver
1. Using 22 gauge wire, connect direction DIR+ on the LYNX Control Module to P1, pin 3 on the
IM483 Driver. (Or direction pin of equivalent drive used.) Figure 1.1.
2. Connect Step Clock SCK+ of the LYNX Control Module to P1, pin 2 of the IM483 Driver. (Or
Step Clock input of equivalent drive used.) Figure 1.1.
3. Connect the +5V output off the LYNX Control Module to the Opto Supply P1, pin 4 of the
IM483 Driver. (Or Opto Supply of drive used if required.) Figure 1.1.
4. Set the Resolution Select DIP switch on the IM483 Driver to ÷256 resolution. Figure 1.1.
Motor Connections
Connect the motor to the IM483 Step Motor Driver in accordance with Figure 1.1.
Communications Wiring
Connect the Host PC to the LYNX Control Module (RS-232 Communications) in accordance with Figure 1.1.
This is needed to program the LYNX Control Module.
Establishing Communications using the IMS Terminal
Included in the LYNX shipping package is a CD with the IMS Terminal software. This is a programming/
communications interface created by IMS to simplify the use of the LYNX. There is a 32 bit version for
Windows 9x/NT4/2000 located on the CD. The IMS Terminal is also necessary to upgrade the software in
your LYNX Control Module. These updates will be posted to the IMS website at http://www.imshome.com/
as they are made available.
To install the IMS Terminal to your hard drive, insert the CD into your CD-ROM Drive. The CD should
autostart to the IMS Main Index Page. If the CD does not autostart, click “Start > Run” and type
“x:\IMS.exe” in the “Open” box and then click OK. NOTE: “x” is your CD ROM drive letter.
1) The IMS Main Index Page will be displayed.
2) Click the MicroLYNX icon in the upper right corner. This opens the LYNX Family Index Page.
3) Select IMS Terminal (Win9x) or IMS Terminal (WinNT).
4) Click SETUP in the Setup dialog box and follow the on-screen instructions.