Flake Ice Machines Electrical System
Page G1
Control Circuit
All machines in this manual are controlled basically the same way.
Selector Switch
The selector switch is used to start the ice making cycle or to turn the machine off. The
machine is put into operation by switching the selector switch to the ON position.
When the selector switch is in the ICE position, the contactor coil is energized and
pulls in the contactor contacts. This energizes the compressor start components,
which starts the compressor.
Compressor and Start Components
The compressor should run during the entire cycle. If the machine is in the ICE position but
the compressor is not running, check the compressor contactor to see if it is engaged. If the
contactor is not engaged, the problem is not with the compressor or the compressor start
components. If the contactor is engaged and there is correct voltage through the contactor,
there could be a problem with one of the starting components or the compressor. It is
recommended that the compressor starting components be replaced when replacing a