The z890 offers a single model, the A04 and supports a
wide performance range from sub uni models up to a 4-
way multiprocessor. The z890 offers 7 general purpose CP
sizes (1 full performance plus 6 sub uni's). Each engine
size is available in 2-way, 3-way and 4-way multiproces-
sors. Seven engine sizes across 4 engines gives outstand-
ing capacity granularity over the 28 capacity settings.
The new model provides 1-4 confi gurable processor units
which can be characterized as either CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or
A new easy-to-enable ability to “turn off” capacity is avail-
able on z890. The objective is to allow customers to pur-
chase capacity for future use with virtually no impact on
software billing. An MES feature will enable the capacity
for use where the customer requires the increased capacity.
There are a wide range of upgrade options available which
are indicated in the z890 Models chart. The introduction of
the capacity setting allows capacity upgrades and down-
grades between capacity settings independent of the CP
Unlike other zSeries server offerings, it is no longer pos-
sible to tell by the hardware model A04, the number of PUs
or the capacity of the server that is being used as CPs.
The capacity setting is in the form xy0, where the X repre-
sents the number of CPs and Y represents the sub-capacity,
from 7 (most capacity) to 1 (least capacity). All IFL and ICF
confi gurations are software model 070. The capacity set-
ting will be returned by the Store System Information (STSI)
instruction for software billing purposes.
z890 Performance Comparison
IBM ^ On/Off Capacity on Demand for z890
IBM ^ On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD)
is offered with z890 processors to provide a temporary
increase in capacity to help meet customers' peak work-
load requirement.
On/Off CoD is designed to temporarily turn on Central
Processors (CPs), Internal Coupling Facilities (ICFs), Inte-
grated Facilities for Linux (IFLs), zSeries Application Assist
Processors (zAAPs), previously unassigned Processor
Units (not assigned as a CP, ICF, IFL, or zAAP), and, for
z890, unassigned CPs and unassigned IFLs, that are avail-
able within the current model confi guration. Temporary use
of CFs, memory and channels is not supported.
This is achieved by either increasing CP capacity through
changing the Capacity Setting of the CPs to a new Model
Capacity Indicator or by using unassigned/unowned PUs
available for use as CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zAAPs. With On/Off
CoD, temporary capacity for CPs, cannot exceed more
than double the permanent CP capacity of the z890. IFL
and ICF capacity additions can only be done if an existing
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 410 420 430 440 450 460 470
* Capacity Setting refers to number of installed CPs and capacity. Reported by STSI instruction.
Note: For MSU values, refer to: ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/library/swpriceinfo/
Model A04
2-ways 4-ways (full capacity engines)
z890 Family Models