
78 User’s Manual
Drivers and Utilities
The ZMAXdp series comes bundled with a Power Installer CD-ROM disc that includes driver and
utility software. This chapter describes installing and using this software.
Running the Power Installer Disc
The Power Installer CD-ROM install interface runs under Microsoft Windows 9X, NT 4.0, 2000, or
XP. After inserting the disc into your CD-ROM drive the install interface loads automatically.
Choose model ZMAX from the selections. If it does not load, run the Power Installer directly from
the disc by running Setup.
Drivers and Utilities Screen
This screen has five selections. Choose a selection to open its respective screen, which are
described below. The User’s Manual selection opens the motherboard documentation. Choose
Exit to leave this screen.
Drivers Installation Screen
Click “Driver Installation” in the Drivers and Utilities screen and the Driver Installation screen
appears. Choose drivers in sequence to open their respective install programs. Select the
installation guides to review installation information. When you are finished click “Exit” to leave
this screen.
Software Utility Screen
Click Software Utility in the Drivers and Utilities screen and the Software Utility screen appears.
To install the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, click on the item you wish to install and follow the
instructions. Clicking on the Hardware Monitor Utility lets you install a program that gives access
to information detected by the hardware monitor.