Parallel or Serial Attachment
Print Character
Quality Style Character Spacing
Fast Draft Gothic Essay 10 cpi
DP Gothic 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
Gothic Italic
Proportional 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
DP Text Courier 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
Courier Italic
Proportional 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
NLQ Gothic 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
Gothic Italic
Proportional 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
Courier 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
Courier Italic
Proportional 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20 cpi
Proportional spacing on the coax or twinax attachment changes the characters per inch to approximately 11.5 cpi.
Proportional spacing on the parallel or serial port is a separate attribute and can be used at all cpi settings with each
of the character styles listed above.
The above print quality levels and character styles will include all characters defined by the Resident Code Pages
described above unless otherwise noted. Any quality level can be printed at either 6 or 8 lines per inch.
The 4247-V03 has the following limitations:
• Fast Draft print quality mode supports printing at 10
characters per inch only. DP, DP Text, and NLQ print
quality modes support 10, 12, 15, 16.7, 17.1, and 20
characters per inch.
• The front continuous-forms paper path will handle up
to 8-part forms. Forms greater than 4-part should be
tested for readability prior to use.
• No automatic sheet feed feature is available.
• The following ASCII restrictions apply when using
IBM 4247 native escape commands to print barcode:
− Current barcode applications that use barcode
escape commands must be modified to use IBM
4247 native barcode commands.
− Barcode printing is limited to picket orientation and
3 to 1 wide to narrow ratio when printed using
native 4247 escape commands.
The 4247-V03 has the following additional limitations
when emulating previous ASCII printers:
• The following commands and functions are not
supported when replacing or adding to an existing IBM
4224 (Model 301, 302, 3E3), 4230 (Model 4xx or 5xx),
or 4232 Model 302:
− Begin/End Overstrike
− Begin/End Understrike
− Select Presentation Media
− Set Presentation Position
− Initialize/Delete Local Font
− Select Local Character Set
− Set Vertical Units
− Graphic Segment List
− Barcode
− Segment
− Overlays
− Graphic Mapping Control
− Read Printer Status
• The following functions are not supported when using
the Epson FX 1050 driver, IBM 4202 Proprinter III XL,
or IBM 2381 driver in OS/2 or Windows:
− Barcode selection or printing
− Load/park form paths
− Data-stream emulation switching
− Metric vertical line spacing
• The 4247-V03 does not support the following 4247-A00
operator panel settings:
− Characters per inch (pitch) = 5, 6, 7.5, 8.5,
− Lines per inch (lpi) = 12, 3L/30mm, 84L/30mm,
6L/30mm, 8L/30mm, 12L/mm.
− Maximum page length for cut sheet forms = A5,
A4, A3, LGL, LTR.
− Parallel interface = 1284 nibble. (Note: Setting id
is nonfunctional on A00.)
− Data bits = 7.
− Left margin alignment = 0 to 13.4 inches.
(Model 003 left margin alignment is 0 to 1.875
− Top margin (top of form) = 0 to 660 lines. (Note:
Paper load position range is -0.166 (-24/144) to 2
(+288/144) inches. To set top of form to larger
values, the user must move form and press
top-of-form key.)
-5- 102-273