Table 2. Troubleshooting charts (continued)
Device Suggested action
Ethernet switch-module
firmware graphics shows a
blank panel when the blade
server is present but powered
If the Wake-on-LAN (WOL) feature is disabled on a blade server, and the blade
server is turned off, the switch module internal port link to that blade is down. This is
not an error, but the graphic of the BladeCenter unit might show a blank panel
instead of a blade server in that bay.
Note: You can enable or disable the WOL feature on a blade server through the
management-module Web interface or through the IBM Director console. Do not rely
on the BladeCenter graphic in the Ethernet switch-module firmware Web interface to
determine the presence or absence of blade servers in the BladeCenter unit.
Ethernet switch-module log
reports elapsed time, not time
of day.
The timestamp on entries in the Ethernet switch module log uses elapsed time (since
last switch restart). The timestamp on entries restarts from 0 each time the switch is
restarted, although the entries do remain in order of occurrence.
Ethernet disconnect notice
will not appear when running
Windows 2000.
If an Ethernet cable is accidentally removed from the back of the BladeCenter unit,
the small red X (disconnect notice) that normally would appear to indicate that the
cable was disconnected will not appear in the bottom right of the screen. The
disconnect notice does not appear because the blade server Ethernet controller
connects to the Ethernet switch module through integrated circuitry inside the
BladeCenter unit.
When troubleshooting Ethernet-related problems, ensure that the Ethernet cables on
the back of the BladeCenter unit are connected properly.
The default IP address set by
the Ethernet switch module
does not match the one
assigned by the management
When troubleshooting Ethernet-related problems, ensure that the Ethernet cables on
the back of the BladeCenter unit are connected properly.
Updating the Ethernet switch
module configuration through
the management module
does not save the switch
When you use the management-module Web interface to update the Ethernet switch
module configuration, the management module firmware writes its settings for the
switch module only to the management module NVRAM; it does not write its settings
for the switch module to the switch-module NVRAM.
If the switch module restarts when the management module is not able to apply the
IP address it has in NVRAM for the switch module, the switch module will use
whatever IP address it has in its own NVRAM. If the two IP addresses are not the
same, you might not be able to manage the Ethernet switch module any more.
The management module cannot apply the switch IP address from its NVRAM if:
v The management module is restarting
v The management module has failed
v The management module has been removed from the unit.
When you use the management-module Web interface to update the Ethernet switch
module configuration, the management module firmware writes its settings for the
switch module only to the management module NVRAM; it does not write its settings
for the switch module to the switch module NVRAM.
If the switch module restarts when the management module is not able to apply the
IP address it has in NVRAM for the switch module, the switch module will use
whatever IP address it has in its own NVRAM. If the two IP addresses are not the
same, you might not be able to manage the Ethernet switch module any more.
The management module cannot apply the switch IP address from its NVRAM if:
v The management module is restarting
v The management module has failed
v The management module has been removed from the unit.
Keyboard problems
66 BladeCenter E Type 8677 and 1881: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide