Alphabetized RS-232 Commands Summary
Table 13. RS-232 Commands in Alphabetical Order
Description Command Page
Align positions ESC a n or X'1B61;n' 134
DBCS address vectors ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 125
Disable line count ESC 8 n or X'1B;38'n 157
Define document wait time ESC f xyor X'1B66;x;y' 136
Download double-byte characters ESC ( s n data or X'1B28;s;n;data' 117
Download graphics (logo)
GS * logo_num n1 n2 data or X'1D2A;logo_num;n1;n2;data' 109
Download user-defined characters ESC & snmdataor X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 112
Enable PDF417 truncation GS T n or X'1D;54;n' 148
Enable or disable the beeper ESC BEL n1 n2 or X'1B;07;n1;n2' 138
Enable or disable the feed buttons ESCc5nX'1B;63;35;n' 138.
Enable or disable two-color printing GS ; n or X'1D 3B n' 141
Enable or disable upside-down
ESC { n or X'1B 7B n' 139
Erase flash EPROM sector ESC # n or X'1B23;n' 121
Exercise program ESC x or X'1B;78' 107
Extended address
command-request printer ID
GS | or X'1D49;01' 107
Fix font matrix ESC : n or X'1B 3A n' 141
Flash storage write ESC ’ n1 n2 data or X'1B27;n1;n2;data' 121
Generate drive pulse for cash
ESC p mn1n2or X'1B70;m;n1;n2' 153
Hold printing until buffer is released ESC 7 or X'1B37' 157
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - loading
ESC M nhlor X'1B4D;n;h;l' 122
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - request
ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 123
Paper cut/DI eject ESC i or ESC m or X'1B69' or X'1B;6D' 153
Predefine messages GS : message_num data GS : or
Print and feed paper n lines ESC d n or X'1B64;n' 149
Print and feed paper using
minimum units
ESC J n or X'1B4A;n' 149
Print and line feed LF or X'0A' 148
Print and line feed CR or X'0D' 149
Print bar code GS k n NUL or X'1D6B;n;data;00' 142
Print logo inline GS J dn1n2dataor X'1D 4A d n1 n2 data' 141
Print PDF417 bar code GS P data NUL or X'1D;50;data;00' 147
Print predefined graphics (logo)
GS / m logo_num or X'1D2F;m;logo_num' 151
Print predefined messages GS ^ message_num or X'1D5E;message_num' 152
updated March 18, 2002
104 SureMark DBCS User’s Guide