Status byte 5
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Printer ID Request/Extended Address command. Set to 1 when responding to a
Printer ID request.
1 EC Level. Set to 1 when responding to an EC level request.
2 MICR Read. Set to 1 when responding to a MICR read command.
3 MCT Read. Set to 1 when responding to an MCT read command.
4 User flash read. Set to 1 when responding to a flash read command.
5 Reserved. Defaults to 1.
6 Scan Complete. Set to 1 when scan completed successfully.
7 (MSB) Set to 1 when responding to a ″Retrieve scanned image″ command.
Status byte 6
Contains the current line count.
Status byte 7
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Reserved.
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Cash drawer status (0 if cash drawer status (port pin 3) at ground.
4 Print key pressed (1 = pressed).
5 Reserved. Defaults to 1.
6 Station selected. Set to 1 when document insert station is selected.
7 (MSB) Document feed error. Set when there is an error after a MICR read command
or a flip check command is executed.
Status byte 8
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Reserved.
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved (always 0)
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 (MSB) Thermal print head or motor is almost too hot to continue printing. This bit is
set to ON when the printer determines that the print head or motor are getting
close to the point where the printer must slow down to keep from overheating
the station.
This is only supported on Models TI8/TG8 and TI9/TG9.
Updated April 2, 2009
186 SureMark Printers User’s Guide