Table 13. RS-232 Commands in Alphabetical Order (continued)
Description Command Page
Print, form feed, and cut the paper
FF or X'0C'. 149
Proportional font ESC & snmdataor X'1B;26;s;n;m;data' 114
Real-time requests DLE ENQ m or X'1005n'
n Description
31 Release print buffer
32 Cancel print buffer
33 Undefined
34 EC request; send status
35 Undefined
36 Undefined
37 Undefined
38 Undefined
40 Reset printer
41 Enable unsolicited status
42 Disable unsolicited status
43 Disable transparent XON/XOFF
Reinitialize the printer ESC @ or X'1B40' 137
Reset line count ESC 6 or X'1B36' 157
Retrieve printer usage statistics X'1B 51 xx' 154
Retrieve size of user flash storage ESC 4 x ’03 FF FF FF’ or X'1B;34;03;FF;FF;FF' 154
Retrieve the flash storage ESC 4 n1 n2 or X'1B34;n1;n2' 154
Return home (select printhead
ESC < n or X'1B3C;n' 153
Select and print a graphics (logo)
ESC * dwhdataor X'1B2A;d;w;h;data' 150
Select aspect ratio PDF417 bar
GS S r;c or X'1D;53;r;c' 148
Select bar code height GS h n or X'1D68;n' 146
Select character for reprinted lines ESC + n or X'1B2B;n' 137
Select character size for scaleable
GS ! n or X'1D;21;n' 140
Select color printing ESC r n or X'1B;72;n' 132
Select font for HRI GS f n or X'1D66;n' 146
Select horizontal size of bar code GS w n or X'1D77;n' 145
Select PDF417 ECC Level GS R n or X'1D;52;n1;n2' 147
Select printing position of
human-readable information (HRI)
GS H n or X'1D48;n' 146
Select user-defined or resident
character sets
ESC % n or X'1B25;n' 129
Select 1/6-inch line spacing ESC 2 or X'1B32' 131
updated March 18, 2002
Appendix C. RS-232 Programming Information 105