110 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
In this first section, you will:
Explore and become familiar with the Workbench.
Customize the Workbench to hide multiplicity and roles from UML diagrams.
Install the MDSD plug-in to support model-driven systems development.
Preparing the Workbench
In this task you are customizing the environment so that multiplicity and role
information is not displayed on the diagrams:
Launch Rational Systems Developer
by selecting Start → IBM Rational
Systems Developer.
Create a new workspace by typing C:\Workspaces\MDSD into the Workspace
field (replacing anything that might already be there) (Figure 6-17).
Figure 6-17 Workspace Launcher
If it appears that RSD is hung, look for the Workspace Launcher dialog behind
the RSD window.
When the Workbench starts up, close the Welcome window if it is displayed
(Figure 6-18).
This example assumes Rational Systems Developer Version 7