v If no, go to “Step 0620-019”.
Step 0620-019
Some but not all switch data cables appear to be having problems.
1. Depending on whether the problem is a wrapped port or a switch-to-switch connection, perform one
of the following steps:
v Wrapped port (wrap plug installed): Remove the existing wrap plug. Install a different wrap plug on
the interposers indicated.
v Switch-to-switch connection: Disconnect the switch data cable from both ports indicated. Install
wrap plugs on the interposers indicated.
Note: When unplugging the two ends of the suspect cable, check
/var/adm/SPlogs/css0/p0/out.top to verify only two (2) ports were lost. If four (4) ports were
lost, then two cables were swapped across that switch to switch connection. Connect the
cables correctly and check /var/adm/SPlogs/css0/p0/out.top for any other errors.
2. Make sure processor nodes that were put in “Service” mode are returned to “Normal” mode. Make
sure all processor nodes are IPLed completely.
3. Have customer verify that the switch code is running on all processor nodes.
4. From the control workstation, type Estart followed by ENTER.
5. Check /var/adm/SPlogs/css0/p0/out.top file for problems regarding the interposers indicated.
6. Does out.top file show a problem on any interposers indicated?
v If yes:
a. Problem is in the switch assembly which is still reporting a problem.
b. Go to “Step 0620-020” to service or replace the switch assembly.
v If no:
a. If this is a switch-to-switch connection, remove both wrap plugs from the switch assemblies.
b. Replace the frame-to-frame switch data cable that was disconnected before.
c. Go to “Step 0620-021” to verify fix.
Step 0620-020
You have determined that there is a problem in the switch assembly and that you need to replace the
switch assembly.
Note: Before taking this action, contact the next level of support. They will be able to advise you about
system availability options that may allow the customer to continue operating.
1. Replace the switch planar.
v Refer to “Removing the switch planar” on page 4-7 and “Replacing the switch planar” on page 4-8
2. Go to “Step 0620-021”.
Step 0620-021
You have replaced switch components and need to verify that the problem has been fixed.
1. Make sure any processor nodes that were put in SERVICE mode are returned to NORMAL mode.
Make sure all processor nodes are IPLed completely in NORMAL mode.
2. If any processor nodes lost connection to the switch due to unplugging node data cable, you will need
to include them in the following command. From the control workstation, enter:
dsh -w
is a list of node names separated by commas.
Note: When working with a two-plane SP Switch2 system, add the adapter name to the command, as
follows: dsh -w
/usr/lpp/ssp/css/rc.switch -a
OR, if all processor nodes have lost switch connection, enter:
Switch Function (MAP 0620)
Chapter 1. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 1-27