
Your printer supports print media of different sizes— A4, executive,
legal, letter—and in both portrait and landscape orientations.
User Benefit—You can print on commonly used media sizes.
The printer supports two print resolutions: 300x300 and 600x600 dpi
(dots per inch).
User Benefit—Two resolutions allow you to customize the quality of
your output according to its use: 300x300 dpi for most hardcopy
needs, 600x600 dpi for high resolution output.
Your printer supports printing in HP PCL5, HP-GL, Lineprinter, CCITT,
and PostScript emulations.
User Benefit—Most applications can print directly to the printer.
The printer emulates the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIISi at both
300x300 dpi (bitmap and scalable fonts) and 600x600 dpi (scalable
fonts only). The available resolution for HP-GL/2 is 300x300 dpi.
The printer provides HP-GL plotter emulation (7470A, 7475A, 7550A,
and ColorPro) at 300x300 dpi and 600x600 dpi.
The Lineprinter emulation prints simple, unformatted text files at
300x300 and 600x600 dpi. Each text line ends with a carriage return.
This emulation supports CCITT Group 3 1-D, Group 3 2-D, and
Group 4. Key features specific to this emulation include a stream-ori-