IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e
Simplified Activation User Guide – Release V5R1 - Revision 6.0
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Chapter 5. Simplified Activation in Batch
Electronic Service Agent can be activated in a batch environment. This approach is
helpful for customers with many remote systems and would like to send programs from a
central site for remote activation. In order to use this method, the Electronic Service
Agent product is installed and the Service Agent Simplified Activation PTFs are
available on each system for install or already installed.
A sample CL program can be found in, Appendix B, page 16. Before using a program,
the International License Agreement for Services Programs must be accepted.
To accept the license agreement, do one of the following:
! On a command line, enter GO SERVICE. Choose 'Display Service Agent
license agreement. Read the agreement and press F6 to accept.
! On a command line, enter QSVCDRCTR/ACPTSALIC. Read the agreement
and press F6 to accept.
Command Description Product / Library
ADDCNTINF Add service contact information.
This is information is used by command WRKCNTINF as
the Local Service Information.
5722SS1 / QSYS
CRTSRVCFG Creates the service configurations used to electronically
report problems and inventory information to IBM.
5722SS1 / QSYS
CHGSRVCFG Changes the service configurations used to electronically
report problems and inventory information to IBM.
5722SS1 / QSYS
DLTSRVCFG Deletes the service configurations used to electronically
report problems and inventory information to IBM.
5722SS1 / QSYS
VFYSRVCFG Verifies the service configurations used to electronically
report problems and inventory information to IBM.
5722SS1 / QSYS
CHGSD Changes the settings for Electronic Service Agent problem
CHGSRVCOL Changes the settings for Electronic Service Agent inventory
collection and transmission.
RTVAUTODAY Retrieves the valid days of the week used by
command QSVCDRCTR/CHGSD parameters AUTOPTF
ACTSRVAGT Activates Service Agent.
If commands QSVCDRCTR/CHGSD or
QSVCDRCTR/CHGSRVCOL are used before this
command is used, Service Agent will start hardware
problem reporting and inventory collection using those
settings. If the commands were not used, Service Agent
will start hardware problem reporting and inventory
collection using the defaults.