User’s Manual
PPC440x5 CPU Core Preliminary
Page 174 of 589
September 12, 2002
6.4.12 Machine Check Status Register (MCSR)
The MCSR contains status to allow the Machine Check interrupt handler software to determine the cause of a
machine check exception. Any Machine Check exception that is handled as an asynchronous interrupt sets
MCSR[MCS] and other appropriate bits of the MCSR. If MSR[ME] and MCSR[MCS] are both set, the
machine will take a Machine Check interrupt. See Machine Check Interrupt on page 178.
The MCSR is read into a GPR using mfspr. Clearing the MCSR is performed using mtspr by placing a 1 in
the GPR source register in all bit positions which are to be cleared in the MCSR, and a 0 in all other bit posi-
tions. The data written from the GPR to the MCSR is not direct data, but a mask. A 1 clears the bit and a 0
leaves the corresponding MCSR bit unchanged.
29:31 PCRF
Program Interrupt—Condition Register Field
If ESR[PCRE]=1, this field indicates which CR field
was to be updated by the floating-point instruction
which caused the exception.
This is an implementation-dependent field of the
ESR and is not part of the PowerPC Book-E Archi-
This field is only defined for a Floating-Point
Enabled exception type Program interrupt, and
then only when ESR[PIE] is 0.
Figure 6-11. Machine Check Status Register (MCSR)
Machine Check Summary
0 No async machine check exception pending
1 Async machine check exception pending
Set when a machine check exception occurs
that is handled in the asynchronous fashion.
One of MCSR bits 1:7 will be set simulta-
neously to indicate the exception type. When
MSR[ME] and this bit are both set, Machine
Check interrupt is taken.
Instruction PLB Error
0 Exception not caused by Instruction Read PLB
interrupt request (IRQ)
1 Exception caused by Instruction Read PLB interrupt
request (IRQ)
Data Read PLB Error
0 Exception not caused by Data Read PLB interrupt
request (IRQ)
1 Exception caused by Data Read PLB interrupt
request (IRQ)
Data Write PLB Error
0 Exception not caused by Data Write PLB interrupt
request (IRQ)
1 Exception caused by Data Write PLB interrupt
request (IRQ)
Translation Lookaside Buffer Parity Error
0 Exception not caused by TLB parity error
1 Exception caused by TLB parity error
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