Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference Guide8
Note: Since the CLI is based upon telnet connections, you can connect to the probe from
anywhere. This means that simple scripts can be set up to allow users to
acknowledge selected events from the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus event list by
creating desktop tools to telnet to the probe, send a command, and then close the
resynch_filter Allows you to a perform partial resynchronization
with the 3GPP2 interface.
Note: This command takes as a parameter a filter in
the same format as the AlarmFilter
property. For details, see "Filtering
notifications and alarms" on page 6.
unacknowledge_alarm Allows you to unacknowledge an alarm in the
3GPP2 interface.
userid_clear_alarms Allows you to clear an alarm in the 3GPP2 interface
by specifying the USER_ID. This parameter is
specified by the ClearSystemId property.
user_clear_alarms Allows you to clear the identity of the user who who
invokes the clearAlarms operation.
userid_acknowledge_alarm Allows you to acknowledge an alarm in the 3GPP2
interface by specifying the NV_ALARM_ID and the
NV_ACK_USER_ID. These parameters are specified
by the AckSystemId and AckUserId properties,
userid_unacknowledge_alarm Allows you to unacknowledge an alarm in the
3GPP2 interface by specifying the NV_ALARM_ID
and the NV_ACK_USER_ID.
version Displays the version of the probe.
Table 4. CLI commands (2 of 2)
Command Description