Preface v
Copyright © 2006-2007 by LSI Corporation. All rights reserved.
Throughout the manual, the conventions described in the following table
are used to describe user interaction with the product:
Notes contain supplementary information that can affect
system performance.
: Attention notices identify actions that might adversely affect
equipment operation, system performance, or data integrity.
Revision History
Notation Example Meaning and Use
courier typeface .nwk file Names of commands, files, and directories as well as
code and screen messages are shown in courier.
bold typeface fd1sp In a command line, keywords are shown in bold, non-italic
typeface. Enter them exactly as shown.
In command lines and names italics indicate user vari-
ables. Italicized text must be replaced with appropriate
user-specified items. Enter items of the type called for,
using lowercase.
Initial Capital letters Undo
Names of menu commands, options, check buttons, text
buttons, options buttons, text boxes, list boxes, and so on.,
are shown in text with Initial Capital lettering to avoid mis-
reading. These elements may appear on your screen in all
semicolon, and other
Use as shown in the text.
IBM Document
Number Date/Version Remarks
42D8846 Version 1.2
July 2007
Revised Table 1.1 about the number of physical drives
allowed for each RAID level.
42D8846 Version 1.1
April 2007
Made edits and added information about controller limita-
tions, and the number of physical drives supported at each
RAID level.
42D8846 Version 1.0
June 2006
Initial release of document.