
3745 FRU List
3745 FRU List
FRU Code Type FRU Name Text
BATT 04C Battery It is not necessary to disable any part of the machine or run diagnos-
tics. Go to “Exchange Precautions” on page 4-1.
CADR 06C CADR Channel adapter driver receiver card. Go to “Disabling Procedure
0110: Preparing a CA for Maintenance” on page 1-61
CAL6 07C CAL Channel adapter logic card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0110: Pre-
paring a CA for Maintenance” on page 1-61.
CAL7 08C CAL Channel adapter logic card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0110: Pre-
paring a CA for Maintenance” on page 1-61.
CBSP 850
Controller bus and service processor. Refer to the
IBM 3746 Nways
Multiprotocol Controller Model 900 Service Guide
, SY33-2116.
CBC 430 CBC Controller bus coupler. Refer to the
IBM 3746 Nways Multiprotocol
Controller Model 900 Service Guide
, SY33-2116.
CSC 70C CSC Scanner for medium low speed. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120:
Preparing a TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62.
CSP 0EC CSP Communication scanner processor (associated with FESH card for
high high speed lines. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a
TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62.
DCRG 73C DCREG DC regulator card Go to “Exchange Precautions” on page 4-1.
DFA 0FC DFA Disk file adapter card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put
the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on
page 1-65.
DSKTE 10C Diskette Remove the diskette from the FDD and exchange it.
DMUX 12C DMUX Double multiplex card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a
TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62.
EAC 14C EAC Ethernet adapter card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a
TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62.
Fan1 7EC Fan1 “Exchange Precautions” on page 4-1.
Fan2 7FC Fan2 “Exchange Precautions” on page 4-1.
FDD 17C FDD Flexible disk drive. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put the
MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on page 1-65.
FESH 18C FESH Front-end scanner (high speed). Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120:
Preparing a TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62.
HDD 1AC HDD Hard disk drive. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put the
MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on page 1-65.
LIC1 20C LIC1 Line interface coupler type 1 card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0150:
Preparing LIC Type 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Maintenance” on page 1-69.
LIC3 22C LIC3 Line interface coupler type 3 card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0150:
Preparing LIC Type 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Maintenance” on page 1-69.
LIC4 23C LIC4 Line interface coupler type 4 card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0150:
Preparing LIC Type 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Maintenance” on page 1-69.
LIC5 24C LIC5 Line interface coupler type 5 card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0150:
Preparing LIC Type 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Maintenance” on page 1-69.
LIC6 25C LIC6 Line interface coupler type 6 card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0150:
Preparing LIC Type 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Maintenance” on page 1-69.
MAC 84C MAC MOSS adapter card for 3745 Model 17A. Go to “Disabling Procedure
0130: How to Put the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for
Maintenance” on page 1-65.
MCC 7BC MCC MOSS control card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put
the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on
page 1-65.
MLA 44C MLA MOSS LAN adapter card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to
Put the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on
page 1-65.
MPC 2BC MPC MOSS processor card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put
the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on
page 1-65.
MPC2 2CC MPC2 MOSS processor card (specific for Model 17A). Go to “Disabling Pro-
cedure 0130: How to Put the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for
Maintenance” on page 1-65.
Chapter 1. START: How to Begin Troubleshooting 1-53