
SubStanza Client API Verbose Value = <value>
E.g. Client API Verbose Value = 1
Replaces -v option(s).
Optional SubStanza specifying the level of HPSS Client API Logging to
use (1-3). The Client API will perform logging specified by the
HPSS_DEBUG environment variable in a file specified by the
HPSS_DEBUGPATH environment variable
(default name is /var/hpss/ftp/adm/hpss_ftpd.log.) The default value is 1.
(HPSS only.)
SubStanza Disallow User Setting of COS
E.g. Disallow User Setting of COS
Replaces -C option.
Optional SubStanza to disable the ability of clients to explicitly set the
Class of Service for new files (via the “site setcos” command). Not
SubStanza Keytab File Name = <value>
E.g. Keytab File Name = /etc/v5srvtab
Replaces -K option and hpss_option KTAB string in ftpaccess.
Optional SubStanza specifying the {Path}/{Name} of the Kerberos keytab
file containing the service principals for the Kerberized PFTP Servers.
Default: /etc/v5srvtab. (HPSS only.)
SubStanza HPSS Realm Name = <value>
Optional SubStanza setting the Realm name for the PFTP Daemon.
SubStanza Use Port Range
E.g. Use Port Range
Replaces -R option.
Optional SubStanza setting the HPSS PFTP daemon to use a specified port
range for connections to the HPSS movers for parallel transfer functions.
The actual port range is specified in the mover specific configuration
record. Refer to Section 6.8.13: Configure the PVR Specific Information
(page 373) for more information. (HPSS only.) NOTE: This is ignored in
passive mode!
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 278