PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO User's Guide Specifications
Double buffered output latches
Coding: Offset Binary (0 code = -FS, 65535 code = +FS)
Output voltage on power up and reset: -10 V (-FS)
Digital input/output
Table 9. DIO specifications
Digital type FPGA
Number of I/O 4
Configuration One port, programmable
4 input or 4 output
Input low voltage 0.8 V max
Input high voltage 2.0 V min
Output low voltage (IOL = 4 mA) 0.32 V max
Output high voltage (IOH = -4 mA) 3.86 V min
Absolute maximum input voltage -0.5 V , +5.5 V
Power-up / reset state Input mode (high impedance)
Table 10. Interrupt specifications
Interrupts Programmable: Levels 2 – 15
Interrupt enable Programmable. Default = disabled.
External (External Interrupt)
A/D End-of-channel-scan
A/D FIFO-not-empty
A/D FIFO-half-full
Interrupt sources
A/D Pacer