Chapter 3 BIOS Configuration
CI5VGM User’s Manual 55
PM Control by APM
This field allows you to use the Advanced Power Management device to
enhance the Max. Power Saving mode and stop the CPU’s internal clock. If
the Max. Power Saving is not enabled, this will be preset to NO.
Video Off Option
The Video Off options are
Suspend -> Off
Always On
, and
All Modes ->
. By default, this field is set to Suspend -> Off
Video Off Method
This field defines the Video Off features. There are three options.
V/H SYNC + Blank Default setting, blank the screen and turn off
vertical and horizontal scanning.
DPMS Allows the BIOS to control the video display card if it
supports the DPMS feature.
Blank Screen This option only writes blanks to the video buffer.
Modem Use IRQ
This field names the interrupt request (IRQ) line assigned to the modem
(if any) on your system. Activity of the selected IRQ always awakens the
system. By default, the IRQ is set to 3.
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN
This field defines the power-off mode when using an ATX power supply.
The Instant-Off mode allows powering off immediately upon pressing
the power button. In the Delay 4 Sec mode, the system powers off when
the power button is pressed for more than four seconds or places the
system in a very low-power-usage state, with only enough circuitry
receiving power to detect power button activity or Resume by Ring
activity (see next field) when pressed for less than 4 seconds. The default
value is Instant-Off.
HDD Power Down
When enabled, and after the set time of system inactivity, the hard disk
drive will be powered down while all other devices remain active.
Doze Mode
When enabled, and after the set time of system inactivity, the CPU clock will
run at a slower speed while all other devices still operate at full speed.